Veronica orlandO, the artist behind
Veronica Orlando, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, graduated as a graphic designer from the University of Buenos Aires in 1991. For many years she dedicated herself to commercial activity in the chemical field but always remained motivated by everything artistic, immersed in illustration workshops, botanical pressing, ceramics, botanical illustration, and tufting.
Taking this tour to the birth of her personal artistic project: Ocean Art Tuft. In her work she seeks to capture the different aspects of nature in a visual and tactile way, trying to generate that emotional well-being that one feels when immersed in rugged nature, showing sensitivity through color.
Her works are represented with different techniques: tufting, smearing, pencil, watercolor, embroidery, collection sheets, where several techniques coexist in her work.

Currently her workshop is located in Gral Rodriguez, Buenos Aires. In Dec. '23 and April '24 she participated in different art exhibitions in the Bio Inspiration exhibition, in the Stimulus Fine Arts Association, where she received the distinction in the textile art category. May 2024: Sol de Mayo exhibition at Natural Bio Art Gallery. June 2024 : exhibit at the Barolo palace, during Gestión Arte & Melin art exhibition July 2024 : together with a group of Argentine artists, exhibit at the Della Patagonia Alle Langhe, in the city of Langhe, Italy with Natural Bio Art Gallery.August 2024 : Art Management space in the Barolo Palace. August and September 2024: exhibit at the National Textile Show of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange. August and September 2024: the 12th edition of Bada Argentina.
Ocean Art Tuft is being represented by Amar Arte since July 2024.